Meet the Team
1. Chief Sasquatch Officer (CSO) – Larry “The Legend” Bigfootman
Larry claims to have spotted Bigfoot 47 times… there actually friends. He spends most of his time perfecting his Sasquatch call, which sounds suspiciously like a walrus with a sore throat. Larry insists that if he ever cant protect bigfoot, then he will quit his job as a police officer.
2. Head Snack Specialist – Gina “Granola” McMunch
Gina is the undisputed queen of trail mix. She can spot a rogue peanut from a mile away and believes that snacks are the secret to satisfying Dave. Her motto? “A happy stomach leads to a happy Bigfoot.” She’s currently experimenting with a new line of Sasquatch-themed snacks—because who wouldn’t want to munch on “Bigfoot Bites”?
3. Director of Hilarious Mishaps – Tim “The Tracker” Fumblefoot
Tim’s tracking skills are legendary… for their ineptitude. He’s found everything from lost keys to the neighbor’s cat but has yet to find a home for Dave the Sasquatch. Tim often provides comic relief by tripping over his own feet—he’s a real “squatch” artist.
4. Chief Cryptid Consultant – Professor Fuzzy McSquatchface
A former astrophysicist turned Sasquatch enthusiast, Professor Fuzzy believes that Sasquatch is a misunderstood alien. He spends hours theorizing about intergalactic Bigfoot sightings and conducting “hairy” experiments in his basement. He’s currently writing a thesis titled “Bigfoot: The Original Star Man.”
5. Dave – Sasquatch
He is a pretty chill guy, but he keeps hiding from the team.